Anaerobic Digestion (AD)
What is Anaerobic Digestion?
AD is a naturally occurring process where bacteria "eat" carbon-based molecules and "exhale" methane (CH4). These bacteria work in the absence of oxygen, hence the term anaerobic, and the resulting biogas (a mixture of CH4 and CO2) can be captured and used in a variety of energy-producing activities including electricity production, steam generation, and liquid fuel production.

3MW Biogas Installation
Digester plants are modular. Any number of reactors can be daisy-chained together to accommodate almost any volume of biomass. Biogas can be used as is, refined to isolate the methane (Natural Gas) or processed into liquid fuels.

6MW Biogas Installation
A typical large digester facility for processing food waste or farm waste. The reactors are heated to 100F to activate the methanogenic bacteria. In a continuous process, biomass is fed in daily and biogas is collected and stored for use.